Book Your Review Meeting

At your monthly or quarterly review meeting, we’ll discuss:

  • Your profits and losses.
  • What’s gone well and what hasn’t: what to do more of and what to avoid!
  • Your plans and goals for the next month, quarter, and year, and how to get you there.
  • Any specific questions you have about your business.

This is your chance to speak in confidence about the nitty-gritty details of your business, bounce ideas around, and come away empowered to make the most out of your business.

If you are already signed up to a regular bookkeeping package and are ready to book your monthly or quarterly review meeting, book it now below.

Sara-Jayne Slocombe

What my clients say

I have had an introductory appointment and have also attended a ‘Record keeping for makers’ workshop, both of which were extremely informative. The workshop in particular was great, a recording of which was provided afterwards, so that I can refer back to it, rather than trying to remember all of the information provided, which is a fantastic service.

Would definitely recommend.

Christine Skelly Burnt Cookies Art
Christine Skelly

Anyone who has ever had eureka moments will want to be in a mastermind that’s built the way Sara-Jayne structures them. It can take a little group of creatives in various iterations of a business-orientated world and give them a well-rounded perspective that helps clarify what they can do, and how they can set about to do it.

It doesn’t demand, but it reveals. It empowers, because there is something reassuring about bouncing ideas around with contemporaries who inhabit different worlds but utilise the same business philosophy, principles, and standards. More self-employed people need this as part of their strategising — I certainly benefit from it.

Maria Tabasuares Stand Tall Improv CIC
Maria Tabasuares

I worked with Sara-Jayne for several months on a project for a charity, and I was extremely impressed both by her technical skills, and by her ability to understand the issues behind a question. Several times, I asked her if A or B might be possible, and I always received really helpful, insightful responses, which often went beyond the original question and showed deep understanding of what was actually needed. I have absolutely no reservations in recommending Sara-Jayne – she is brilliant.

Nick Rosenthal Salford Translations Ltd
Nick Rosenthal

This workshop was incredibly helpful. I have been selling products for quite a while now, but always have to do lots of “back of a fag packet” calculations every time I work out my pricing. If I’m honest I often have an uneasy feeling that I am not charging the right amount for some of them, or that I am not tracking my profit margins properly. I wanted to understand my pricing properly and thought I’d try out Sara-Jayne’s workshop because I know she works with small businesses and people who make their own products as well as bigger businesses.

The workshop was brilliant! She went through all kinds of concepts but in a way that I could really understand and didn’t make me feel foolish for the bits that I didn’t quite grasp at first. We walked through some pricing psychology that I can definitely use on my website, and looked at some different ways to calculate costs when you sell on lots of different platforms. There was definitely something in there for all the scenarios I was worrying about.

Best of all, she provided me with a spreadsheet that was already set up for me to do calculations from so that I can go away after the workshop and enter my products in. We entered one product during the workshop itself so I was able to check that it would work for me and I have set aside some time to put the others in. It has taken such a lot of work off my plate having the spreadsheet set up exactly the right way for a business like mine that makes things for different audiences.

The two biggest takeaways that I got from the workshop is that I am not respecting my time properly and need to make sure that I am factoring that in more to my pricing, and that I shouldn’t be afraid of looking at my product figures, because if I find out something that I don’t like in them, I should be working out what to change, because they are not serving me well.

Highly recommended if you are a bit overwhelmed by the idea of investigating your pricing and want someone who is expert and experienced to walk through the process with you and provide you with tools to do the rest.

Most of all, recommended if you want help from someone who passionately cares about you making a good living from the thing that you do, and wants you to succeed.

Joanne Roach The Foodies
Joanne Roach

I have worked with Sara-Jayne for a few years & she is an amazing supportive person who supported me so patiently in our previous roles. I continually contacted Sara-Jayne requesting support and she was very efficient and effective in her support and an amazing personality. Sara-Jayne is very approachable and nothing was too much of a problem. Thanks for everything, Wayne

Wayne McConnell Hands to Communicate
Wayne McConnell