by Sara Jayne Slocombe | 15 Jul 2021 | Blog
How often do you think about your business numbers? Many small and micro businesses that aren’t VAT-registered only look at their finances annually, often several months after the end of the tax year. As sole traders, we can file our taxes any time between 6...
by Sara Jayne Slocombe | 14 Jul 2021 | Blog
Have you ever gone to the supermarket, bought what seemed like a moderate number of low- to medium-priced goods, and been surprised at how high the total was at the till? (This happened to me all the time. It’s why I quickly embraced the Scan As You Shop units...
by Sara Jayne Slocombe | 13 Jul 2021 | Blog
Now that you’ve worked out your Net Profit (see Why Do We Keep Accounts in our Businesses? – part 2: How to Discover your Net Profit if you haven’t yet), you may find that you want or need to increase your profitability. There are some different options...
by Sara Jayne Slocombe | 12 Jul 2021 | Blog
One of the hardest things in any business is working out how to price your goods or services. There are many different ways to price, which really merit their own series of posts. For this post I’m going to assume you’ve bought supplies, made some...
by Sara Jayne Slocombe | 30 Jun 2021 | Blog
When you start up in business, there’s a lot of information out there telling you how to do your bookkeeping or accounts on a day-to-day basis, but not much explaining the answer to the bigger question: Why do bookkeeping? There are a few different reasons....