Can you pay your business bills this month?
What about next month? Next quarter?
In this workshop, we're going to the heart of your business: cash.
Cash flow is a fancy term for money coming into your business (from sales) and money going out of your business (to pay your profit and to pay for your expenses).
Studies suggest 80-90% of businesses fail because of cash flow problems. That usually means they weren't able to pay their creditors when they needed to, so they folded.
How can good bookkeeping help you to avoid disaster and even thrive?
The further in advance you can see a problem coming at you, the more options you have.
By creating a cash flow forecast and using it, you can spot issues a mile away and work out how to deal with them. This could look like:
- Spotting the seasonal peaks and troughs in your sales.
- Moving some expenses to match the high sales times - annual software subscription payments are a good example.
- Knowing how much to save during peak times to cover the lean times.
- Knowing how much to save each month for your taxes.
- Seeing a few months ahead that you'll need a loan or a line of credit to get you through to your next busy season, and having the time and serenity to find the best offer, instead of panicking or using credit cards to get you through.
Personally, I've always opted for the lower-stress route whenever I have a choice. Cash flow forecasting is one tool for reducing your stress.
Cash flow forecasting is also incredibly helpful for considering the viability of ideas you have for your business. Should you outsource this job? Should you invest in that piece of equipment? Should you raise your prices? Should you lower them? And many more.
In this hands-on online workshop, we will cover:
- What cash flow is.
- What a cash flow forecast is.
- Why it's important.
- Preparing a cash flow forecast for your business using spreadsheets.
- Using your cash flow forecast to consider different scenarios for your business.
You'll be using a spreadsheet template I'll provide and you'll complete your cash flow forecast during this workshop. You'll then learn how to alter it when you're considering different scenarios for your business.
You'll come away with your cash flow forecast in hand, a good handle on when you might expect any issues to arise in the coming year, ideas for handling them, and a method to use to consider new business ideas.
The first date of this workshop is available at a special introductory price.
Numbers are strictly limited so book now!
This workshop is suitable for UK-based businesses whether you are a Sole Trader, in a Partnership, or a Limited Company Director.
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